
Bunny berries make great fertilizer!

Rabbit poop is nutritious, easy to work with, and great for your garden. 

The truth is, rabbit manure contains four times the nutrition of cow or horse manure. And it’s twice as nutritious as chicken manure. But that’s just the beginning.

Rabbit droppings can stimulate composting and feed the various beneficial microorganisms and beneficial fungi that live in the soil. This can improve the structure of the soil, hold in moisture, and limit erosion. They are high in fiber, providing more food for worms and other beneficial insects.

The Right (Nutritional) Stuff

Plants need the right combination of three main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You might see this described as the N-P-K formula. Carbon is also important.

Nitrogen helps a plant to generate enzymes, amino acids, and proteins. Plants also need nitrogen for growing healthy leaves.

The carbon in soil works similarly to the carbohydrates in our diet. That is, it gives a plant energy for growth.

Plants also need the proper balance of these two elements because a plant can only utilize the carbon in soil if there’s an appropriate amount of nitrogen.

Phosphorus helps a plant to develop a strong stem, healthy root network, flowers, and blossoms.

Potassium helps plants to digest the other nutrients and produce their own food.

Rabbit manure contains two percent nitrogen, and one percent each of potassium and phosphorus.

This makes it very, very nutritious for your plants.

Less of the Wrong Stuff

Some kinds of manure, particularly horse manure and cow manure, contains amounts of uric acid and ammonia that can make a fertilizer harmful unless it’s composted out.

Rabbit pellets contain less uric acid and ammonia than many other types of manure. It won’t burn plants if applied untreated.

Rabbit urine is beneficial as well.

Rabbit urine acts as a natural fertilizer, helping to keep your soil nourished. Go ahead and leave the extra debris that comes with your berries since it contains their urine.